Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Thought from a Paper Ago

As I saw the length of the line, of what appeared to be a human chain of eager-to-be consumers in their desperation for the latest Blackberry product, “Aren’t we suffering from a recession?” Rang in my head, at the shocking disbelief of what I was seeing before me. This new and “better” Blackberry must be promising miracles to attract such a mob of mass consumption.

Quantity is the new quality. The way in which we have commodified communication allows us to do it all, that is—fit a week into a day. Think about it—things pile up, we speed up, and so does our reality. Even the way in which we communicate with our social network seems to be more of a drop-in landing. Instead of hanging out, we check in. A few minutes here and there are sometimes all the time we have to offer. A friend’s voice has been compensated for mere doses of text-abbreviated-socialization. But still, we can connect to anyone at anytime and faster than ever before, right? Then why is it that people feel so…disconnected?

Technology remains as the unsatisfied crave of the modern rave. We seem to be giving in to this Brave New World. But I wonder: will we become so over-stimulated with quick swigs of technological socialization that we become detached from long-lasting, savoring reality?

Are these devices really strengthening our social network or actually weakening it? And is it considered “legitimate” leisure?

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