Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's 4 am!

Greetings Wandering Blog-onnoisseurs!

Well, I've done it and created myself a blog site (and if it wasn't for those damn kids, I would have gotten away with it...)

So here it is: the backdoor to my thought party straight into my sadistic sanctuary. Feel free to stop by anytime and make yourself at home. But there is a catch : You will be forced (by the will of the Blog God) from time-to-time to suck in ridiculous and irrational rants and succumb to exponential volumes of brainwashing, groovy tunes.

Oh yeah, you will also be bombarded with listless and useless information that, if shared, will only provoke strange stares and an empty seat where that victim of circumstance fled.

Stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. Whoo Hooo!!! Blogging at 3:38am...are you taking a page out of my book? LOL - best time to blog! that empty seat next to me a guarantee? Could see that being really useful!

    Looking forward to the rants and the ridiculous...
