Monday, November 8, 2010

Would You like Fries with That?

Well here it is...a year after graduation and still doing the same thing - serving tables (though I've often preferred to call myself an agent of persuasive communication). My degree being in English, I can get away with it.

While in school, I dreamed that after graduation I would advance into the world of technical writing and be PROUD. Proud of a career that others would also look at as a proud profession. Didn't you know? It's a hard pill to swallow when customers throw it down your throat. "Oh, you're going to school? What are you studying?" Suddenly you've become a person - and not to mention an intelligent one.

That's the problem. Being a waitress may as well fall into the same category as construction. That is, a walk-in-and-apply-job and not much experience needed short-term gig. That's what most people think anyways. Did you know that its listed under the top five most challenging jobs?

And talk about a balancing act. So many people to make happy while deflecting so many unhappy people. Those folks in the kitchen aren't real happy. And did I mention my boss? Let's just say that he's sensitive. But all my fellow servers are fairly nice, even though they're fiercely competitive. We work for tips ya know. It's a lot to digest, a schizophrenic smorgasbord.

But there is a bright side. The green is amazing. I managed to work three days a week while attending to my degree and payed for school. No loans. No debt. And that sure does feel nice. I couldn't imagine the pain of being in debt and not having a job after graduation. Sounds like hell to me.

So it's not so bad after all, waiting tables. One day, I'll get a break.

Wasn't he a cutie?